A Day in the Life of a Tow Truck Operator: Stories from the Road

A Day in the Life of a Tow Truck Operator: Stories from the Road Tow truck operators are the unsung heroes of the road. Day or night, rain or shine, they’re out there, ensuring drivers and their vehicles are safe. Each day brings unique challenges and sometimes, heartwarming stories. Here, we dive deep into a day in the life of a tow truck operator, showcasing some unforgettable tales from the asphalt trails of their daily grind.

Morning: The Early Call

The sun hasn’t even risen, but the phone’s ringing. Accidents, breakdowns, and emergencies don’t wait for business hours. The Commuter’s Savior Jim recalls a winter morning in Ottawa when he received a distress call from a young woman. Her car had slid on black ice, leaving her stranded on a highway bridge during peak traffic. As cars honked and the pressure built, Jim swiftly and safely towed her car, ensuring she could still make it to her important job interview on time.

Midday: The Hustle and Bustle

As the city wakes up and roads get busier, tow truck operators brace for an influx of calls. The Forgotten Gas Tank Sarah, a tow truck veteran, chuckles as she recounts the number of times she’s assisted drivers who’ve simply run out of fuel. One particular summer day, she got a call from a family on a road trip. They’d been so engrossed in their journey and the scenic beauty of Ottawa that they forgot to refuel. Sarah not only towed their vehicle to the nearest gas station but also shared some local tourist tips.

Afternoon: The Unexpected Challenges

The unpredictability of the job peaks during afternoons. Operators often find themselves in unexpected situations, requiring more than just towing skills. The Mystery of the Abandoned Car Mark, an operator with over a decade of experience, once stumbled upon a classic car abandoned in the middle of a road. With no owner in sight and a potential traffic hazard, he had to tow it. A few hours later, an elderly gentleman called, expressing his gratitude. He’d faced a sudden medical emergency and had to leave his prized possession behind. Mark’s professionalism ensured the car was safe and undamaged.

Evening: Nightfall Rescues

As darkness descends, the challenges amplify. Dim lights, reduced visibility, and driver fatigue make evenings a crucial time for tow truck operators. A Lifesaver in Disguise Anna, a night-shift tow operator, recalls a rainy evening when she responded to a regular breakdown call. On reaching the site, she discovered a car teetering dangerously off a cliff edge. The driver, in a state of shock, was still inside. Anna’s quick thinking and her tow truck’s capabilities not only retrieved the car but possibly saved a life that night.

Late Night: The Silent Roads

The city may sleep, but tow truck operators are always on alert, especially with the risks of late-night driving. Midnight Memories Chris, often working the graveyard shift, shares tales of late-night roadside assistance. One winter night, he assisted a group of friends whose car had broken down after a concert. Stranded in freezing temperatures, Chris not only towed their vehicle but also ensured they got home safely. The group, grateful for his kindness, later sent him tickets to their own band’s concert as a thank you.
Conclusion: More than Just Towing
A tow truck operator’s life is filled with challenges, unpredictability, and a constant drive to help. Their job goes beyond towing—it’s about ensuring safety, offering solace, and sometimes even adding a bright spot to someone’s rough day. As you drive around Ottawa or any city, spare a thought for these road warriors. Their stories from the road are a testament to their dedication and the vital role they play in our daily lives. Contact us

The Unlegislated Law Of The Road For Every Driver – Courteousness

The Unlegislated Law Of The Road For Every Driver - Courteousness Courtesy is a virtue of intangible rewards. Although you might not be able to see or touch the effect a simple ‘thank you,’ ‘sorry,’ or even a smile has on someone. The impact could be the difference between you fading away from someone’s memory or becoming a part of a tale of politeness they happily tell others. Of course, there is no material gain in that. Still, the immaterial reward you gain from such seemingly trivial yet meaningful gestures in the form of self-fulfillment and a gratifying sensation is unmatched. The current era’s enlightened public seeks to incorporate this act of morality in every aspect of their lifestyles. So why not display it on the road as well? As a tow truck company famous for its devotion towards value creation in Ottawa, we would like to take a slightly different educational route today. Most of our blogs thus far have sought to equip you with what it takes to become a diligent driver. To date, we have paid a tremendous amount of attention to various road regulations and vehicle safety rules. However, today we want to go a step ahead of what is inscribed in the Motor Vehicle Safety Act or Transport Canada’s road safety recommendations. These legislations and laws aim to ensure overall public safety on the road. Nonetheless, it wouldn’t hurt to demonstrate some selflessness on the road either. Although road etiquette and courtesy are not official road rules, they‌ might be the reason behind the faltering anger of a fuming driver in the car next to yours. Thus, this blog will teach you how to become a courteous driver.

The Unlegislated Rules Of Road Courtesy

In our opinion, courtesy is contagious. If you show it, there are high chances that others will feel liable to do the same. Yes, we know it sounds like a far-fetched fantasy. But it won’t hurt to make an effort towards attaining it:

Be Patient

“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear, and obstacles vanish.” John Quincy Adams might not have said the above in the context of road safety, but it fits the situation perfectly. Being patient is not just a virtue but also a lifesaver. According to Harvard Medical School, accidental injuries are the major causes of death and disability, but these can be easily prevented through caution. And what could be a better way to maintain caution than patience? A moment of patience might be all it takes to prevent a fatal accident. Thus, the first rule of road courtesy is that you must exercise patience on the road regardless of the hurry you are in. In our opinion, patience is better than a cure on the road.

Give New Drivers Some Space

As a regular driver, you can almost instantly see the difference between a driving pro like yourself and a newbie. Although it might feel quite irritating to have a learner ahead of you when you are in haste to reach your destination, be compassionate and give them time. Remember that you also went through the same phase before becoming a well-versed driver. From your experience, you can clearly recall the pressure, nervousness, and thoughts of uncertainties that flooded your mind during your learning time on the road. Just like it was not easy for you, it isn’t easy for them either. Thus, instead of passing rude comments or showing intimidating gestures, give them the breathing space you badly wanted during that phase of your driving life.

Give In

The fact that you are here reading this piece of writing is proof of your interest in the subject. However, not everyone is like you. When you are on the road, you will come across people with all kinds of attitudes. While some of them might be courteous like you, others may be rude, imprudent, egoistic, and impatient. Undoubtedly, we always feel the urge to respond to such people accordingly, but the virtue of courtesy says otherwise. Despite the temptation to teach such people a lesson when they mock you on the road, learn to ignore them.

Go With The Flow

Although there are official speed limit rules, there are times when you have to do more than just follow the rules. In certain situations, you might officially be allowed to drive at a particular speed, but the traffic flow may necessitate a lower speed. During such times, it is better to abide by the latter even though you are allowed to drive at a higher speed.

Say Thanks!

Lastly, a ‘thank you’ and a smile might be a motivating gesture to many others like you. If someone shows courtesy to you on the road, don’t deny them the self-fulfillment reward.

About Ontario Towing Services

Ontario Towing is a renowned tow truck company across Ottawa and its surrounding areas. Our commitment to prompt customer service is widely acclaimed. Contact us to learn more. Ontario Towing offers reliable and swift services, ensuring drivers’ safety and convenience. Their new program, Ottawa’s Roadside Assistance, further enhances their commitment, providing specialized, timely aid to Ottawa’s motorists, making every journey more secure.

Steps To Follow When You Encounter A Road Accident

Steps To Follow When You Encounter A Road Accident While the invention of modern modes of transportation such as cars seems to be a blessing for humankind, it has a lot of drawbacks as well. According to the World Health Organization, about 1.35 million people lose their lives due to road accidents each year. Similarly, around 20 to 50 million people suffer physical injuries as a result of a traffic accident. Undeniably, driving is a blissful experience with numerous benefits. However, it is one of the most dangerous activities that people happily undertake every day. Canada is no exception to this harsh reality. Despite the numerous attempts of organizations, such as the Transportation Safety Board Of Canada, the Canada Safety Council, and the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals, to reduce the number of accidents, every year, about 300 000 accidents occur on Canadian roads, and around 1600 Canadians lose their lives as a result. Nevertheless, government authorities, businesses such as towing service providers, and even the general public continuously play their part in diminishing these numbers. As reliable and reputable towing service providers in Ottawa, we would like to contribute to the good cause. Through this blog post, we aim to educate and enlighten the general public on the right course of action to take when involved in a traffic accident.

Steps To Take After A Road Accident

Accidents are unquestionably traumatic experiences that can lead to people doing things they would never contemplate doing in normal circumstances. To avoid any mishaps after an accident and stop yourself from making wrong and hasty decisions, we propose the following steps:

1. Do Not Flee The Scene

One of the biggest mistakes drivers make in a state of panic is running away from the scene after an accident. As a result, you make yourself a culprit even before being proven guilty. Besides, you might have sustained internal and external injuries from the accident. However, by running away, you forego the opportunity to receive immediate and adequate medical assistance. Contrarily, remaining on the scene will save you a lot of problems. First, you will be considered a reliable samaritan who acted responsibly in such a situation. Second, if the other party is badly hurt, you will serve a good cause by calling for help. Lastly, if your vehicle undergoes damage, you will be able to make an insurance claim.

2. Asses The Scenario And Avoid Further Mishaps

You have been met with an accident and you can not change that. So what is the right thing to do? Well, in order to handle the situation skillfully, you first need to remain calm. The latter will help you think straight and make the right decisions. When you have calmed down, get out of your vehicle and assess the situation. Take the necessary precautions to circumvent any other damage. If possible, pull over your car to the side to avoid any more accidents from occurring. In the event that the accident took place at night, turn on your vehicle’s hazard lights to alert other approaching vehicles of the situation.

3. Call For Medical Assistance if Needed

If you or the other party experienced any injuries, immediately seek medical help. Not seeing any blood or bruises does not necessarily assure your well-being. If you feel any muscle pain or aches, you might have sustained an internal injury.

4. Do Not Place Blame Or Admit Guilt

As emphasized earlier, remaining in your senses is absolutely crucial. Do not let your emotions overrule your objective thinking capacity. First, do not flare your anger at onlookers or the other party. This is not the time to demonstrate a domineering personality and shift the blame on the other party. However, being too generous is also not a wise decision either. Do not accept or admit responsibility for the accident. That is to say, keep both your anger and guilt at bay. Leave the matter of who is responsible for a later discussion.

5. Call A Towing Service Provider

During an accident, you are not the only one who may have sustained an injury. Your vehicle also needs attention in this regard. Whether the damage is major or minor, it is not a wise decision to drive back home. Instead, seek help from a professional towing service provider and save yourself any more stress.

About Ontario Towing

No matter the time of the day or night, Ontario Towing is ready 24/7 to help you out with any roadside assistance you may require. Whether it is an accident, a flat tire, a broken-down vehicle, or a car lockout, our team of friendly and diligent professionals know how to handle every situation. Contact us for more information. Ontario Towing continues to redefine roadside support with its innovative Ottawa’s Roadside Assistance program. Crafted for Ottawa’s unique driving needs, it ensures rapid response and superior care, fortifying their reputation as leaders in roadside safety.

Common Car Lock Out Scenarios And What You Should Do

Common Car Lock Out Scenarios And What You Should Do Getting locked out of your car is a frustrating experience. Trying different tricks to unlock your car can cause damage to it. Locking your keys in your vehicle is a common mistake many drivers make. In fact, it is the second most common mistake drivers make after running out of gas and is usually due to lack of attention and negligence. There are many different scenarios in which you might need to call a car lockout service. Read the following scenarios below to learn how you can prevent them and what you can do if you lose your car keys.

Breaking The Keys

Keys can sometimes break due to them either not being well-built or yourself when you apply too much force while opening your door. When you want to unlock your vehicle as fast as possible, you might break your keys in the process, and half of the key comes out in your hand while the other half is stuck in the car’s lock. This will lock you out of your car, so you won’t be able to go anywhere. Only a locksmith that has experience with car lockout services can help you in this situation and help you get your keys back by using their own tools. Therefore, if something like this happens, it is better to call a car locksmith as soon as possible instead of trying your own tricks and making the situation worse.

Forgetting Your Keys Inside

Another mistake many drivers make is that while getting out of their car, they leave their keys in the ignition and lock the car manually by pressing buttons on the doors. You might feel stupid that you can see your car’s keys, yet you can do nothing about it. This mistake purely happens out of lack of attention and negligence. One way to avoid this is to be attentive while getting out of your car and check that you have your keys every time you leave your car. Don’t hurry to lock your car. The situation can become even worse when the engine is running, and you are just going to grab something quickly. This will use up your fuel quickly. However, your muscle memory can help you here, build the habit of turning off your engine and then taking your keys out of the ignition, to prevent this mistake.

Losing The Keys

We are all human, and we all make mistakes. Sometimes you may lose your keys, and end up searching for them for hours. After looking for your keys in every place you have been to recently, if you still can’t find them hire a reliable locksmith.

How Can You Prevent A Car Lockout Situation?

To prevent car lockout situations, you can opt for the following measures.

Make A Habit

Make it a habit to double-check everything before you leave your car. Always keep your keys with you if you are getting out of your car. This will help you build muscle memory, so you won’t lose them again.

Call For Professional Help

If you have lost your car keys, call a professional car lockout company. They have the necessary tools and procedures that can help you recover your car keys in no time.

Have A Spare Set

Another wise thing you can do is to keep a spare set of keys at home. So, if you lose your keys, you can always call someone in your home to deliver those keys to you.

About Ontario Towing

Ontario Towing provides the most trustworthy, reliable, and around-the-clock car lockout services. We employ well-trained and qualified car locksmith specialists to provide our customers with safe, quick, and cost-effective 24-hour car lockout services using proper tools. Contact us here if you want any such services. Based in Ottawa, Ontario Towing specializes in premium towing, car lockout remedies, and advanced roadside help. Their extensive offerings, from mobile tire services to gas delivery and beyond, cater to both Ottawa and neighboring locales.

Different Types Of Tow Trucks

Different Types Of Tow Trucks A vehicle breakdown when you least expect it is challenging and frustrating. Depending on the location where your car has broken down, you might have to call for towing services or roadside assistance. Apart from towing broken down vehicles, tow trucks are used to transport impounded, disabled, improperly parked, and scrapped motor vehicles from one point to another. Tow trucks are also used to recover damaged vehicles in an accident. They safely tow these vehicles from the accident area to a repair workshop. You call these towing companies whenever you are stuck in the middle of the road with a broken car and they help you get your vehicle to the automobile repair center. There are several different types of tow trucks available, and depending on your needs and situation, it is essential to choose one that works for your vehicle.

Flatbed Tow Truck

This is one of the most widely and commonly used types of towing vehicles in the world. A flatbed truck has a long empty bed with a flat top. They have hydraulics that move the flatbed upwards and downwards. What makes flatbed trucks easy to use is that you can simply drive your vehicle up the ramp, or have it pulled up. They are mostly used to transport damaged vehicles. One of the best things about flatbed tow trucks is that it keeps cars entirely off the ground. Flatbed towing is more like carrying the vehicle than towing it. They are also called tilt trays, slide, and rollback trucks.

Boom Tow Truck

A boom truck is equipped with a hydraulic arm that is called the boom. It uses that hydraulic arm to tow vehicles. This boom reaches out past the end of the vehicle, and grabs the vehicle that needs to be towed. Heavy-duty boom trucks are like a smaller version of cranes. Some boom trucks have a fixed boom whereas some have adjustable and moveable hydraulic arms. Older boom tow trucks used the traditional hook and chain method to tow a vehicle. But now the latest boom trucks use a belt and slings to tow vehicles which is a bit safer method.

Wheel-lift Tow Truck

A wheel-lift tow truck uses a mechanism similar to the hook and chain method. The only difference is that they use a metal yoke instead of a chain which minimizes the risk of damaging the vehicle. The metal yoke goes under the front wheels of the vehicle and lifts the vehicle. The truck tows the car while the back wheels remain on the ground. Since no chain is in place, there is much less chance the front bumper will get damaged.

Integrated Tow Truck

An integrated truck uses two mechanisms. When a boom and wheel-lift are combined we get an integrated tow truck. Integrated trucks are used for small purposes where a full boom truck may not be necessary. They are also called self-loaders because the integrated trucks can control the interior of the vehicle. This way operators can tow the vehicle without even exiting the tow truck. Integrated trucks can also be used for heavy-duty towing, as the arms of these trucks are heavily embedded into the core of the vehicle, which makes them more capable and stable.

Final Word

Tow trucks can be classified into different categories depending upon their sizes, power, function, and capacity. Now that you have a better understanding of what the different tow truck types are, you can decide which one you may need. If you ever need a tow truck you need to explain the whole situation clearly and ask for the towing truck that fits your needs.

About Ontario Towing

Ontario Towing is known for its professionalism in providing the best roadside assistance services. We have experienced staff who work day and night to ensure customer safety and ease. For more information visit our website or contact us today. Ontario Towing, an Ottawa-based firm, excels in premium towing, car lockout, and adept roadside assistance. Their wide-ranging solutions, from on-the-spot tire services to gas deliveries, consistently serve Ottawa and its surrounding territories.

What If There Was No Tow Truck Company Around To Assist You?

What If There Was No Tow Truck Company Around To Assist You? If you own a car or a vehicle, you might have needed the services of a professional tow truck company. Just recall the convenience with which they got you out of trouble. Who came to rescue you when your car broke down in the middle of the road? It was a nearby towing company. Imagine if there were no towing industries, and no tow truck companies anywhere to offer you roadside assistance. Of course, it is horrifying to think of what you would need to do if there were no one with the expertise, equipment, and knowledge to get your car back on the road. After you have been in an accident or have faced a problem you can’t fix, you need a professional to help you out. Let us now discuss what would have happened if there were no professional towing companies.

People Would Abandon Their Cars

If there were no tow truck companies to help people get their cars going again, there would be piles of cars on the roadside. People would abandon their cars on the road after failing to attempt to fix the problem themselves. Most of the time, when a car meets an accident or stops otherwise, it requires professional help. With no professional towing companies around, things would be pretty inconvenient. There would be nothing you could do but to leave your car right there and try to get a lift from someone or call for a cab.

Helpless Travellers Getting Robbed

Due to car failure, people stranded on the road would become easy targets for thieves, robbers, and burglars. Stranded travelers would suddenly find themselves at the mercy of criminals and law enforcement agencies, with no experts to help them fix their car and get them back on the road. The more time they spend on the road, the more chances of something happening to them. Professional towing companies play a huge role in helping drivers and their families get back on the road so that they can reach their homes safely.

Families Dying Of Weather Conditions

Weather is another element that will play its part freely without any obstruction. Without expert help, there is a high chance you will be stranded on the road for a long time. Considering Calgary’s weather conditions, there is a high chance that bad weather will kick in out of nowhere making it difficult for you to reach safety.

Starvation And Dehydration Causing Sickness

People traveling on the road don’t have unlimited food and water supplies. They may have a couple of water bottles and some snacks with them when they hit the road. When their car breaks down with no towing company around to help them, what will happen to them? They may starve, dehydrate and become sick. Their lack of food and water will hinder them from fixing their car themselves, even if possible otherwise.

DIY Will Be The Only Option

When you live in a world where there are no towing companies, doing it yourself becomes the only opinion. Having said that, it does not infer that DIYs are a good option. If the world didn’t have any professional towing experts, people would be left with no other option than to try to fix the problem themselves. When someone with little to no experience tries to fix something with their car it usually results in severe damage, wastage of the car’s components, and permanent damage to the car. Ontario Towing is one of the most reliable and professional tow truck companies in Ontario. We offer a complete range of services to ensure we have got you covered no matter what situation you may find yourself in. To contact us, click here. Ontario Towing, rooted in Ottawa, offers elite towing, car lockout, and specialized roadside interventions. Their comprehensive suite, featuring mobile tire repairs and extended-distance towing, ensures reliable service throughout Ottawa and its surrounding areas.

Disadvantages Of Using Common Tricks To Unlock Your Car

Disadvantages Of Using Common Tricks To Unlock Your Car People can sometimes forget to take their keys out of their ignition and get locked out of their vehicle. Especially when you are running late for something, your focus is on reaching your destination in time, and the thought of taking your key with you escapes your mind. Having your car locked with the keys inside can be a frustrating sight, but on a stranded highway at night, especially when alone, can be extremely dangerous. A car lock-out can be inconvenient and embarrassing if you do not know what to do next. If you find yourself in a similar situation, you must contact a local professional car lock-out service such as Ontario Towing. People often try to unlock their cars using a few common workarounds. However, such methods can damage your car. Therefore, it is best to leave this job to the experts of a 24/7 lockout service provider. Read this post to learn more about some of the self-attempt methods that can damage your car. In addition, it will help you understand why you should always call professional lockout services for assistance.

Using A Shoestring

You can use a shoestring to help you get out of a car lock-out situation. It works by forming a loop with a shoestring, pushing this loop in our car door, and wrapping it around the lock. Then, by pulling up the string, you might be able to unlock your car. You might hear people say it is a free and easy way to unlock any car in less than 10 seconds, but this is not true. Using this method can help you open the lock of an old car with a pull-up. But, even then, the process can be long and tiresome, and success is not guaranteed without practice. Furthermore, with more modern cars having automatic locks and those on the inner side of the car door, this trick won’t work.

Using A Wire Hanger

You might have seen a person try to use a wire hanger on their car door and thought about what they were trying to do. To answer your question, that person was trying to unlock their car door using a wire hanger. It is a common trick that people sometimes use, mostly car thieves, to unlock a door. However, this seemingly simple method has a major drawback: a wire hanger can damage your car’s rubber. The rubber is there to ensure that your car door stays closed. So, any damage such as an attempt to open up the door using a wire means that you will have to replace it. Thus, using a wire hanger is not time-efficient and will add to your physical and financial loss.

Using A Rod & A Screwdriver

Some people may try to unlock their car door by using a rod and a screwdriver. You can try to insert a screwdriver between the door area to create some space. Next, you can try to insert the rod into your car and open the lock. But, this method can cause serious damage to your car’s interior and exterior. It damages the rubber cladding and your paintwork, which can be costly.

Why Should You Call A Professional?

  • They have sufficient experience and skills
  • They are reliable and have the right tools
  • They are honest about their service costs
  • They are insured and licensed
  • Gives you peace of mind
So, if you ever lock yourself out of your car, enlist the help of a professional car lockout service. Doing so will ensure that no damage is done to your car’s rubber and interior.

About Ontario Towing

At Ontario Towing, we offer reliable and expert roadside assistance services to our customers in Ottawa, Kanata, Orleans, Gloucester, Barrhaven, and surrounding areas. Contact us today for more information on our services. Ontario Towing, anchored in Ottawa, delivers unparalleled towing, rapid car lockout resolutions, and seasoned roadside expertise. Their service suite, spanning from on-spot tire care to far-reaching tows, is a testament to their commitment to Ottawa and its neighboring communities.

4 Things You Need To Know About Mobile Tire Service

Image Dealing with a flat tire can be annoying. It can be even more troublesome when you are heading out for an important task and find out that your tire is punctured. It is quite stressful when you have to tow your car to a nearby gas station or ask a passerby to come and help you. Even though dealing with a flat tire can be very frustrating, it’s important to be aware of mobile tire repair companies and the services they offer. These companies can come right to your breakdown location and change or repair your tire(s) right on the spot. Ontario Towing is happy to help its customers by providing efficient mobile tire services. We arrive at your location at the earliest possible time to change your tires right away. Here’s what you should know about our mobile tire services.

What Is Mobile Tire Service?

Mobile tire service involves changing your flat tires at your location. You don’t have to go to a nearby gas station as our professionals will come to you and change your tire for you. A good thing about this service is that it can provide your flat tire a quick fix anywhere. Whether it is at home, in your office parking lot, on the highway, or the side of the road, mobile tire service helps you get you out of a tough situation and back on the road in a matter of minutes. Mobile tire services involve tire installation services and tire replacement.

What Are The Services Included In Mobile Tire Service?

Mobile tire services not only include tire replacement but also the following services:
  • Flat tire repair
  • Tire mounting and balancing
  • Tire rotation setting
  • TPMS setting
  • Valve stem replacement

Benefits Of Ontario Towing Mobile Tire Service

Ontario Towing provides leading mobile tire services across Ottawa and surrounding areas. Our services have benefitted our customers in the following ways:

Fast Service

Ontario Towing is known among its customers for providing fast and efficient tire repair services. Our customers call us and we do our best to reach them as quickly as possible. Our goal is to reach you in a matter of minutes and have you back on the road in no time.

Provide A Cost-Effective Solution

Many people think that mobile tire service is expensive. However, this is just a myth. Ontario Towing is a cost-effective solution for providing you with on-the-spot tire services. Moreover, we help you avoid fraudulent mechanics who may charge you for car problems that don’t even exist.

Better Your Productivity

Most service stations where you go to replace your tires are too busy to handle your problem. You may potentially have long wait times.. Mobile tire services provide better results and reduce downtime.

24 Hour Service

An amazing benefit of mobile tire service is that you can call them any time of the day. This is helpful when you are heading on the highway and find no help in case of a flat tire.

Stay Clean

Our professionals are here to take care and do the job for you. Tire changing is a dirty job, and your clothes and hands can become dirty during the process. Ontario Towing professionals will keep you clean and away from this job and change your tire with full dedication.

What Should You Look For In Mobile Tire Service?

Each tire service company provides its own set of services. However, there are some points you must look for when looking for a good mobile tire service company near you. Some of these points are:
  • Which area or locations do they cover?
  • How much do they cost?
  • Do they have advanced equipment?
  • Is their staff experienced?
  • How good is their customer service?
  • Do they have contact numbers?
  • Have they mentioned their customer reviews online?
Finding the right mobile tire service in time of need can be hard. That’s why Ontario Towing is here to cater to your vehicle problems and provide you fast and efficient roadside vehicle services when in need. Contact us today for more information. Hailing from Ottawa, Ontario Towing excels in premium towing, swift car lockout interventions, and robust roadside services. Their comprehensive range, inclusive of on-the-spot tire aid and extensive towing capabilities, serves Ottawa and its neighboring territories adeptly.

Ottawa Roadside Assistance Services FAQs

Ottawa Roadside Assistance Services FAQs All of us get stuck on the road at some point in time, be it experiencing a car accident, a flat tire, a dead battery, an overheating engine, or anything else that could cause one to have to stop driving their car and pull over. Automobiles have increasingly complex designs and require special roadside assistance. If you need a vehicle recovery service in Ottawa, contact a nearby professional towing company right away for immediate help. To provide you with more insight into emergency roadside assistance services, we will answer some of the frequently asked questions FAQs about them:

What Is Roadside Assistance?

Roadside assistance includes a set of services you can get when you’re experiencing car trouble anywhere, including at home, in a parking lot, at work, and on the roadside. In such situations, a professional vehicle recovery service can offer to help you with jump-starting a dead battery, changing a flat tire, taking your car to a nearby repair shop, delivering emergency fuel, recovering car keys, and more.

Which Services Are Usually Included In Roadside Assistance?

Emergency roadside assistance companies usually offer flatbed towing, winch-outs, tire changes, instant fuel delivery, car jump starts and lockouts, and replacement of lost keys. Generally, a routine roadside assistance service in Ottawa will include the following basic tasks to help you get your vehicle back on the road.
  • Towing your car if it cannot be driven or has any other mechanical issue
  • Delivering fuel to your automobile if it runs out of gas
  • Unlocking your car if you have forgotten your keys inside or have lost your keys
  • Jumpstarting your vehicle or replacing a dead battery
  • Mobile tire services for changing or replacing a flat tire
  • Vehicle collision accident recovery services

How Much Do Roadside Assistance Services Cost In Ottawa?

Since most vehicle emergencies are out of the blue, many towing companies estimate their services’ final costs in advance. The final price you will have to bear usually depends on your car’s trouble location and the distance your vehicle recovery expert will have to cover to reach you. The greater the distance they cover, the higher their roadside assistance service cost will be. Likewise, if your automobile ceases to function in a far-off location or an off-road site, the total cost of availing roadside assistance will also rise.

Where Can I Contact A Roadside Assistance Provider From?

You can call your roadside assistance service provider from practically anywhere if you’re having trouble starting your car or dealing with any other mechanical issue. As the name suggests, an emergency roadside assistance service is there to help you fix your automobile trouble anywhere, including on the roadside, at home, at work, in a parking lot, or any area adjacent to your city.

About Ontario Towing Service

Ontario Towing is an experienced towing roadside assistance and vehicle recovery service provider based in Ottawa, Ontario. We offer efficient, reliable, and affordable towing services, including instant fuel delivery, jump-starts, dead battery replacement, car lockouts, and vehicle collision accident services in Ottawa and surrounding areas. Visit our website to learn more about our professional services or contact us for personalized service. Ontario Towing ensures premier, budget-friendly towing and roadside aid in Ottawa. Specializing in everything from flatbed transports to extended hauls, our focus is on secure recoveries and utmost client contentment across the capital region

Things To Consider When Preparing Your Vehicle For Long Distance Towing

Things To Consider When Preparing Your Vehicle For Long Distance Towing Whether you’re moving to another location in your country or need to get a customized car delivered safely to your house, you must select the most appropriate transportation mode for your automobile. Instead of driving your vehicle over a long distance yourself, it’s best to contact your local tow truck company to ensure your car reaches your destination safely and timely. Since long-distance towing is quite difficult to achieve, there are certain checks you must perform on your car before availing the service. Here, we will discuss some vital things you need to consider when preparing your vehicle for a long distance project:

Disable Your Car Alarm

While the alarm is an essential device that helps protect your car, you need to disable it before handing over your vehicle to your vehicle transportation company. The roads are often rough and bumpy, which could cause the alarm to go off during the transportation process. This will create unnecessary panic and stress for the tow truck driver transporting your automobile. It can also distract other drivers on the road, causing further trouble. Therefore, it’s always wise to disable the alarm system on your car, let the tow truck drivers not waste their precious time, and let them concentrate on their primary job during the vehicle transportation process.

Make Necessary Repairs On Your Vehicle

Issues like car fluids, gases, coolant, or engine oil leaks can cause severe difficulties for truck drivers while transporting your vehicle. That’s why it’s vital to repair any potential leaks from your automobile. Suppose your car’s engine oil is leaking; it can cause slipperiness on the road, making it dangerous for other vehicles. While a gas leak can be more hazardous for your car, tow truck, and the other vehicles on the road, it could also cause a fire and result in unfortunate casualties. It’s also the responsibility of towing experts to thoroughly inspect vehicles before transporting them for everyone’s safety.

Keep The Tires Inflated

Ensure your car’s tires are adequately inflated before allowing it to be transported on a long-distance towing journey. When the tires are appropriately inflated, it will make it easier for the tow truck drivers to load and unload your car onto the tow truck. Moreover, tires with good air pressure can better withstand long bumpy rides, ensuring there are no shocks transferred to the internal parts of your vehicle.

Clean Your Car Properly

People usually wash their vehicles after they get transported to their destination. However, cleaning your automobile before transporting it a long distance can help you avoid contaminants and other buildups that could occur during transit. This way, your vehicle’s paint luster will remain intact, and help prevent rusting. For this reason, it’s best to give your car a thorough inside-out clean up before handing it over to the tow truck drivers for shipment.

Remove Accessories And Lock Your Vehicle

Detach all accessories and customized items in your vehicle to avoid breaking them while your car is being transported over a long distance. Ask your towing professionals to thoroughly inspect your car automobile for tailored parts that are increasingly prone to damage, and have them removed before starting the towing job. Always ensure your car is properly locked before transporting it over a long distance. This is because leaving your vehicle unlocked can result in both your car’s doors and other vehicles’ damage.

Other Things To Keep In Mind

Apart from these, you also need to keep these other vital considerations in mind when getting your car transported over a long distance, reduced gas level, clearing the trunk and glove compartment, serving, insuring, and others.

About Ontario Towing Service

At Ontario Towing, we offer reliable towing services to our customers, including long-distance hauling in Ottawa and surrounding areas. Visit our website to learn more about us or contact us for personalized service. From Ottawa’s heart, Ontario Towing guarantees stellar, reasonably priced towing and roadside support. Our offerings, encompassing flatbed services to extended hauls, spotlight secure vehicle recovery and elite service throughout the capital region.

Essential Roadside Assistance Services Every Towing Company Must Provide

Essential Roadside Assistance Services Every Towing Company Must Provide With the ever-increasing number of vehicles on the road, the need for highly diverse and technologically advanced towing companies is also increasing day by day. When facing car trouble, one must contact a towing service that provides comprehensive roadside assistance and vehicle recovery services. These may include flat tire replacement, battery boosting, flatbed towing, car lockout services, and more. An efficient tow truck company can address various roadside difficulties with its dedicated team of expert two truck drivers and specialized towing equipment. A minor mechanical problem can halt your car’s complete functionality. Instead of hauling your vehicle yourself, contact an emergency roadside assistance provider in your area to fix the issue with your vehicle. The following are some of the essential roadside assistance services every professional towing company must provide to its customers:

Flatbed Towing Service

Knowing of an expert towing service comes in handy when your car has broken down in the middle of the road and is beyond repair. Your vehicle may need to be hauled when you cannot safely repair it on the road. Different tow truck types can move your vehicle; one of them is a flatbed tow truck, safely transporting your car without pulling it on the road.

Mobile tire Service

Although a flat tire is an issue that most of us can fix without requiring professional help, provided we have a spare tire, knowledge, and the right tools. Nonetheless, if you’re facing a roadside flat tire problem, and you aren’t carrying a spare tire or the right equipment, you should contact a mobile tire service right away for professional assistance.

Instant Fuel Delivery

It’s an excruciating experience to run out of gas out of nowhere when you’re driving back home or going to the office or going for any other urgent work. The intensity of stress can become much higher when your car runs out of fuel in the middle of nowhere, and there’s no sign of a gas station in the area. When this happens, call a roadside service specialist for an urgent fuel top-up. Dedicated roadside assistance service providers reach their client’s location in no time to deliver enough gas to get their vehicle to the nearest gas station.

Car Jump Start Service

If you’re facing a car battery issue, you can call roadside services to jumpstart your vehicle or install a new battery. Some towing experts use specialized jumper cables and connect your vehicle with another car that has enough voltage. Some professionals also offer complete replacement of your old batteries for new ones. They can deliver a new battery to you and even install them for you on-site.

Car Lockout Service

Being locked out of your vehicle can, undoubtedly, be a significant embarrassment; however, it’s something that has been happening for a long time now and can happen to anyone. No matter how stressed you are about leaving your car keys inside your automobile, you must get instant professional assistance to unlock your car. Whether your car keys are locked inside your vehicle, or you just lost them, experienced car locksmith services can help unlock your car and get you going on your journey right away.

Parking Encroachment Service

Professional towing firms also provide dedicated parking encroachment and towing services to different property owners and businesses. By availing this service, you can free up your parking space of unwanted or illegally parked vehicles to accommodate these areas to your tenants or clients without any trouble.

How Ontario Towing Service Can Help

Ontario Towing Service offers efficient and reliable roadside assistance services to its clients, including flat tire change, gas top-ups, car battery jump starter, flatbed towing, car lockout, and parking encroachment services in Ottawa and surrounding areas. Visit our website to learn more about expert roadside assistance services or contact us for personalized service. Located in the heart of Ottawa, Ontario Towing champions high-caliber, budget-friendly towing and roadside assistance. With capabilities spanning flatbed transfers to extended treks, we are steadfast in vehicle protection and optimal customer satisfaction in the capital’s sphere.