The Unlegislated Law Of The Road For Every Driver - Courteousness Courtesy is a virtue of intangible rewards. Although you might not be able to see or touch the effect a simple ‘thank you,’ ‘sorry,’ or even a smile has on someone. The impact could be the difference between you fading away from someone’s memory or becoming a part of a tale of politeness they happily tell others. Of course, there is no material gain in that. Still, the immaterial reward you gain from such seemingly trivial yet meaningful gestures in the form of self-fulfillment and a gratifying sensation is unmatched. The current era’s enlightened public seeks to incorporate this act of morality in every aspect of their lifestyles. So why not display it on the road as well? As a tow truck company famous for its devotion towards value creation in Ottawa, we would like to take a slightly different educational route today. Most of our blogs thus far have sought to equip you with what it takes to become a diligent driver. To date, we have paid a tremendous amount of attention to various road regulations and vehicle safety rules. However, today we want to go a step ahead of what is inscribed in the Motor Vehicle Safety Act or Transport Canada’s road safety recommendations. These legislations and laws aim to ensure overall public safety on the road. Nonetheless, it wouldn’t hurt to demonstrate some selflessness on the road either. Although road etiquette and courtesy are not official road rules, they‌ might be the reason behind the faltering anger of a fuming driver in the car next to yours. Thus, this blog will teach you how to become a courteous driver.

The Unlegislated Rules Of Road Courtesy

In our opinion, courtesy is contagious. If you show it, there are high chances that others will feel liable to do the same. Yes, we know it sounds like a far-fetched fantasy. But it won’t hurt to make an effort towards attaining it:

Be Patient

“Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear, and obstacles vanish.” John Quincy Adams might not have said the above in the context of road safety, but it fits the situation perfectly. Being patient is not just a virtue but also a lifesaver. According to Harvard Medical School, accidental injuries are the major causes of death and disability, but these can be easily prevented through caution. And what could be a better way to maintain caution than patience? A moment of patience might be all it takes to prevent a fatal accident. Thus, the first rule of road courtesy is that you must exercise patience on the road regardless of the hurry you are in. In our opinion, patience is better than a cure on the road.

Give New Drivers Some Space

As a regular driver, you can almost instantly see the difference between a driving pro like yourself and a newbie. Although it might feel quite irritating to have a learner ahead of you when you are in haste to reach your destination, be compassionate and give them time. Remember that you also went through the same phase before becoming a well-versed driver. From your experience, you can clearly recall the pressure, nervousness, and thoughts of uncertainties that flooded your mind during your learning time on the road. Just like it was not easy for you, it isn’t easy for them either. Thus, instead of passing rude comments or showing intimidating gestures, give them the breathing space you badly wanted during that phase of your driving life.

Give In

The fact that you are here reading this piece of writing is proof of your interest in the subject. However, not everyone is like you. When you are on the road, you will come across people with all kinds of attitudes. While some of them might be courteous like you, others may be rude, imprudent, egoistic, and impatient. Undoubtedly, we always feel the urge to respond to such people accordingly, but the virtue of courtesy says otherwise. Despite the temptation to teach such people a lesson when they mock you on the road, learn to ignore them.

Go With The Flow

Although there are official speed limit rules, there are times when you have to do more than just follow the rules. In certain situations, you might officially be allowed to drive at a particular speed, but the traffic flow may necessitate a lower speed. During such times, it is better to abide by the latter even though you are allowed to drive at a higher speed.

Say Thanks!

Lastly, a ‘thank you’ and a smile might be a motivating gesture to many others like you. If someone shows courtesy to you on the road, don’t deny them the self-fulfillment reward.

About Ontario Towing Services

Ontario Towing is a renowned tow truck company across Ottawa and its surrounding areas. Our commitment to prompt customer service is widely acclaimed. Contact us to learn more. Ontario Towing offers reliable and swift services, ensuring drivers’ safety and convenience. Their new program, Ottawa’s Roadside Assistance, further enhances their commitment, providing specialized, timely aid to Ottawa’s motorists, making every journey more secure.

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